Gid Paran pou Defans
Nou te òganize resous sa yo pou gide ou atravè defi ou ka rankontre pandan w ap devlope konpetans ou epi aprann kijan pou kenbe sistèm responsab.

Defann sou Nivo Endividyèl
Defansè nivo endividyèl gen ladann kapasite w pou kominike ak pale sou pwoblèm ki enpòtan pou oumenm oswa pou pitit ou.
How to Hold Schools Accountable
Bati kowalisyon yo ka difisil, men tcheke lis verifikasyon sa a pou ede w gide w.
Attending Town Meetings
Each town has a different way of running its Town Meeting, depending on its bylaws or charter. Sometimes the customs and traditions are written down; sometimes they are not.
This guide is a general outline of the Town Meeting Basics, some of the procedures may be used in one town and not another. The guide provides a broad overview designed to encourage you to find out more and attend your own Town Meeting.
If you have any questions regarding the specific procedures employed by your town, please contact your Town Clerk or Town Meeting Moderator.

Defann nan nivo Eta a
Pou kòmanse defann nan nivo eta a, li enpòtan pou nou gen yon konpreyansyon debaz sou priyorite eta a, bidjè ak jwè kle yo.
Jwè kle yo
Depatman Edikasyon Elemantè ak Segondè:
- Aplike ak aplike politik alantou edikasyon
Bay lidèchip, sipèvizyon, finansman, sipò, ak responsablite pou apeprè 400 nan distri lekòl Commonwealth la.
Sipèvize pwogram ki sèvi 20,000 elèv k ap aprann granmoun chak ane.
Koneksyon ant Administrasyon ak Konsèy Konsiltatif.
Aplike Devlopman Pwofesyonèl pou pwofesè yo ak anplwaye administratif yo.
Eta House
State House travay ak Biwo Egzekitif la, Lejislati Massachusetts la, ajans leta yo, ak Komisyon Istorik Massachusetts la nan prezève, kenbe ak restore Kapitol eta Massachusetts la.
Biwo prensipal tout ofisye Konstitisyonèl Commonwealth yo nan kay eta a, ki gen ladan–
Gouvènè ak Gouvènè Adjwen
Grefye House ak Sena a, Konseye House ak Sena a, ak Sèvis Enfòmasyon Lejislatif.
The Ladybug Story: A Story about Lawmaking
Click the image to read the true story of how a second grade class helped to make a new state law.
The story encourages young students to use their voice to suggest new solutions -- showing that everyone has the power to make changes in the way things have traditionally been done.
Kontakte Eli ou a Ofisyèl yo

Chèche imèl yo ak lòt enfòmasyon kontak dirèk atravè

Rele Komisyonè State House la:
Resous Defans:
Evalye Peyizaj la pou Aksyon Lejislatif nan Eta w soti nanAsosyasyon Nasyonal pou Timoun ki gen don
Twous Zouti pou Defans Fanmi soti nanPatenarya Ekite Edikasyon Massachusetts la
Nouvo kesyon sou finansman leta ak federal soti nan Patenarya Ekite Edikasyon Massachusetts la
Bezwen Finansman nan Massachusetts Lèt soumèt pa Patenarya Ekite Edikasyon Massachusetts la
Twou zouti defans ki soti nan National Parent Teacher Association
Pou plis enfòmasyon sou pwosesis bidjè eta a, vizite sit laPaj Defans Lejislatif ak Bidjènan Massachusetts Appleseed Center for Law and Justice.